Sunday, June 15, 2014

Confessions of a Second Life Hoarder! (High Volume Warning at the start!) (Video)

This was our first video. Volume warning!

Ever got something and then looked at your inventory about then wonder why the hell did you get that. I have that issue alot, and my inventory is at the point where it's about to tip over.
I had to call the sl hoarder crew to see if I could get some help, but then I started to feel like I needed to keep my "Treasures" cause how will I remember all those memories of passed events. See how it all unfolds. Hosted by Mr. Bowen Ellsmere. Yes I have a flamingo curtain in my inventory...DON'T JUDGE ME!


  1. this is probably shouting into the void....but I really miss this video it was so funny. Is there anychance you could put it back on youtube?
